CI is not sufficient testing to commit, sadly. 

There is no xcode 9 in travis at present.
misses many things, like liscence etc
doesn't check if destrooting is right

It's OK for a minor version update of an existing port, but all new ports or 
sig updates need to checked out locally, port lint nitpicked, looked over 
carefully, build with trace mode, destrooted, and installed before commiting....

and all that will only find 80% of the problems.

The rest show up on the builbots after the commit.


> On Mar 1, 2018, at 05:59, Perry E. Metzger <> wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Mar 2018 07:48:35 -0600 Ryan Schmidt
> <> wrote:
>>> +depends_lib-append  port:libusb  
>> The port failed to build without pkgconfig.
> Should the CI infrastructure have noticed that? I've kind of been
> assuming that if CI is green you can assume the thing is okay, but
> that's not the case it would seem?
> Perry
> -- 
> Perry E. Metzger

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