> On Mar 1, 2018, at 11:23 AM, Perry E. Metzger <pe...@piermont.com> wrote:
> Looking over things carefully seems reasonable. A machine can't
> figure out that a Portfile should be written differently.
> Having to build locally in several ways seems bad. The purpose of
> automatic CI infrastructure is to free people from needing to do
> such things, both because it reduces labor and because it reduces
> error. The latter is the really important bit. Manual process is
> error prone.
> Maybe we need more flexible (and less likely to time out) CI than
> Travis can give us that includes things like port lint, traced
> builds, etc?
> Perry

I think you might get an idea of whether committing from a PR based on 
eyeballing it and the CI output (without locally building it and looking it 
over in detail in the work directory) is working based on how many fixes have 
to be done (usually by Ryan) to the ports after they are initially committed.

Surgeons say 90% of the appys they remove should be pathological, and 10% or so 

That’s probably not a bad average to aim for...



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