On 2018-4-6 03:05 , Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
> I did the following :
> port -q search py36- \
> | xargs -n1 sudo port -Nup -f install
> diff <( port -q search py36- ) \
>      <( port -q installed name:^py36- | awk '{print $1}' ) \
> | grep '<'
> which gave the following output :
> < py36-barnaba
> < py36-bcolz
> < py36-BitArray2D
> < py36-BitVector
> < py36-blaze
> < py36-blosc
> < py36-cartopy
> < py36-graph-tool
> < py36-honcho
> < py36-jcc
> < py36-kivy
> < py36-lalburst
> < py36-laldetchar
> < py36-lalinference
> < py36-language-server
> < py36-numba
> < py36-numpydoc
> < py36-oauthlib
> < py36-obspy
> < py36-oct2py
> < py36-octave_kernel
> < py36-odo
> < py36-opengl
> < py36-opengl-accelerate
> < py36-openslide
> < py36-paho-mqtt
> < py36-parsel
> < py36-partd
> < py36-path
> < py36-pathfinder
> < py36-pathlib2
> < py36-petsc4py
> < py36-pew
> < py36-pgspecial
> < py36-phonenumbers
> < py36-photutils
> < py36-pika
> < py36-pkginfo
> < py36-ply
> < py36-poppler-qt4
> < py36-poppler-qt5
> < py36-portend
> < py36-prov
> < py36-psycopg2
> < py36-pyasdf
> < py36-pyaudio
> < py36-pycrlibm
> < py36-pycryptodome
> < py36-pydicom
> < py36-pydot
> < py36-pyFAI
> < py36-pyfftw
> < py36-pygccxml
> < py36-pygit2
> < py36-pygithub
> < py36-pygmsh
> < py36-pygpu
> < py36-pygraphviz
> < py36-pyicu
> < py36-pyinterval
> < py36-pylint
> < py36-pymc3
> < py36-pymongo
> < py36-pync
> < py36-pyobjc-quartz
> < py36-pyopencl
> < py36-pyplusplus
> < py36-pyrfc3339
> < py36-pysam
> < py36-pyscard
> < py36-pytest-mpl
> < py36-pytest-xdist
> < py36-pytools
> < py36-pyvcf
> < py36-pywavelets
> < py36-qrcode
> < py36-qscintilla
> < py36-qscintilla2
> < py36-qtawesome
> < py36-qtpy
> < py36-queuelib
> < py36-qutip
> < py36-rasterio
> < py36-raven
> < py36-rdflib
> < py36-readline
> < py36-reportlab
> < py36-repoze.lru
> < py36-reproject
> < py36-requests-cache
> < py36-requests-oauthlib
> < py36-requests-toolbelt
> < py36-rfc3987
> < py36-robotframework
> < py36-rope
> < py36-routes
> < py36-rpy2
> < py36-s3fs
> < py36-scandir
> < py36-scikit-image
> < py36-scikit-umfpack
> < py36-scikits-bootstrap
> < py36-scrapy
> < py36-service_identity
> < py36-setproctitle
> < py36-snuggs
> < py36-socks
> < py36-sortedcollections
> < py36-sounddevice
> < py36-spark_parser
> < py36-sparqlwrapper
> < py36-spyder
> < py36-spyder-devel
> < py36-stevedore
> < py36-stopit
> < py36-sympy
> < py36-tatsu
> < py36-tempora
> < py36-tensorflow
> < py36-tensorflow-tensorboard
> < py36-testfixtures
> < py36-theano
> < py36-thrift
> < py36-tpot
> < py36-tqdm
> < py36-tracer
> < py36-tvdb
> < py36-tvnamer
> < py36-twilio
> < py36-twine
> < py36-twisted
> < py36-txgithub
> < py36-tzlocal
> < py36-uncertainties
> < py36-uncompyle6
> < py36-update_checker
> < py36-virtualenv-clone
> < py36-virtualenvwrapper
> < py36-vo
> < py36-w3lib
> < py36-webcolors
> < py36-webob
> < py36-wheel
> < py36-xarray
> < py36-xdis
> < py36-xlwt
> < py36-xmltodict
> < py36-yapf
> < py36-zope-event
> < py36-zopecomponent
> < py36-zopeinterface
> so these 151 py36 sub-ports fail to build - and they do that on multiple
> computers under both 10.13 and 10.11
> The logs can be found here : http://www.mathiesen.info/macports/

I know for a fact that several of those build OK. Seems to be bad
permissions on py36-nuitka making setuptools break.

- Josh

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