On 2018-04-05 19:05, Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
> port -q search py36- \
> | xargs -n1 sudo port -Nup -f install

Just a small hint here. The port command supports wildcards for port
names. Just remember to escape for your shell:

$ sudo port -Nup -f install 'py36-*'

> diff <( port -q search py36- ) \
>      <( port -q installed name:^py36- | awk '{print $1}' ) \
> | grep '<'

The port command also supports operators to merge the results of
wildcard expansion and pseudo-ports. This would be equivalent to:

$ port -q echo 'py36-*' and not installed

Although the syntax is nicer, the downside is that this is also slower.
This is due to the inefficient implementation in the port client, which
first builds both lists completely before calculating the intersection.

However, if you need that interactively, the time requirement for typing
the port expression and its execution together will probably still be
less than for the shell pipeline above.


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