On Apr 16, 2018, at 00:10, Jackson Isaac wrote:

> I would also like to know how do I test all the variants and different
> phases that are mentioned in initial Portfile. There were lot of
> things that didn't work correctly with updated version but I was able
> to pin point to only errors that I encountered (by running just port
> -d build/destroot/install acl2) but there might be other changes too
> that may be required. Do we run each and every variant combination and
> test the portfile or is there any easy way to do so (maybe run a build
> bot job ?).

Our Buildbot cannot currently build nondefault variants. 


Once we add support for building with variants, we will still not by default 
build all variants.

If you add a variant to a port (or make any other change to a port), you're 
expected to verify before committing that it at least works on your system.

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