On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 08:22:01 -0500 Marius Schamschula
<li...@schamschula.com> wrote:
> Perry,
> I’ve just run into this problem with TeXShop4. The build phase
> succeeds, but destroot fails.
> How does one revert to the “old” build system under Xcode 10?

Here's the kludge for a Portfile:

if {[vercmp ${xcodeversion} 10.0] >= 0} {
    destroot.pre_args   -UseNewBuildSystem=NO

Arguably, one should do "= 0" rather than ">=" since the bug may be
fixed in Xcode 10.whatever.

Perry E. Metzger                pmetz...@macports.org

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