* Ryan Schmidt:

> [...] I would have hoped that GSoC would be used as an opportunity for
> us to finally implement changes that we have wanted to do for years
> but never got around to doing, rather than to propose new projects
> whose ramifications have never been discussed before.

Quite so. Not meaning any disrespect to Alex (I have never seen any of
his code), but if the developer team would actually let him have a shot
at rewriting parts of MacPorts in Python, I'd look for ways to sever my
connections with MacPorts. Homebrew seems nice.

My own experience in software development spans more than 35 years, some
of them focused on Python, and think that rewriting significant aspects
of MacPorts in Python is neither desirable nor an achievable goal for a
"summer of code". Proper design alone with all its necessary peer review
stages could take months.

My advice to GSoC participants: Choose a smallish task with clearly
defined goals that can be completed and documented in the alotted time.
Work to meet the highest quality standards, and actually make life a
little better for end users. Don't aim for the stars. MacPorts devs
have spent many, many years on the existing ecosystem, and while there
is of course room for improvement, proposing a rewrite is, as far as I
am personally concerned, a mere demonstration of bravado that does not
inspire confidence in me.


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