Looks really good. I love dark mode!

Some quick comments:
 - Remove all commas as a separator. A space works great. 
 - Sort the variants alphabetically and also ports that depend on the currently 
selected port. 
 - Clicking on a variant does not really make sense to me. It seems to go back 
to the search page. The description of the variant should at least appear when 
you hover over a variant. Maybe they should not even be clickable links?
 - Python stub ports don’t really make sense. Search for, say, py-numpy. That’s 
a stub port. It should probably state that you would never install it - so 
don’t display “sudo port install py-numpy” for it because users should never 
actually do that in this case. But instead you want to pick py36-numpy, 
py37-numpy, etc. Show all of the real ports as clickable links. Currently it 
does not even allow you pick any of them.
 - When clicking on the Trac tickets tab, I find it jarring that a window pops 
up that you have to click out of. Just make it a tab that displays the 
selectable tickets (or no tickets). I shouldn’t have to click “Close” to get 
out  of this special mode. 


> On Jul 18, 2020, at 12:20 PM, Mojca Miklavec <mo...@macports.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is just a reminder that we would be extremely happy for further feedback 
> about the new page.
> Arjun has added some pretty awesome new features. (Dark mode has been 
> supported since yesterday etc.)
> It would be great to hear what you think while Arjun is still actively 
> working on the project :)
> Mojca
> PS: Also, we are still looking for some talented designer to join the effort 
> and make the page even more awesome than it already is.
> On Sun, 12 Jul 2020 at 20:56, Arjun Salyan <ar...@macports.org 
> <mailto:ar...@macports.org>> wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is in continuation to my previous emails regarding updates about the 
> webapp. The temporary version is deployed at http://macports.silentfox.tech/ 
> <http://macports.silentfox.tech/>
> New features:
> Accounts:
> Users can now create accounts on the webapp using email/password or login 
> with their GitHub handles.
> Watchlist and notifications:
> Logged-in users can add ports to the watchlist. Notifications are displayed 
> whenever a port gets updated. An overview of the followed ports is displayed 
> with filters for "broken builds", "outdated livecheck" etc.
> "Followed by me" ports
> Logged-in users can get an overview of the ports that they maintain (this is 
> done by matching their emails and GitHub handles with those supplied in the 
> Portfiles).
> "Splash screen" (upcoming)
> It was pointed out that our current port page 
> (http://macports.silentfox.tech/port/cctools/ 
> <http://macports.silentfox.tech/port/cctools/>) contains a lot of technical 
> information which might not be useful for the general user. This reduces the 
> odds of user acquisition. So, we plan to add a page with a focus on the 
> software version and installation instructions. It will have a link to the 
> existing page under "Details". Maintainers and advanced users will be able to 
> by-pass this page (setting a cookie with the preferred page) and reach the 
> details page directly. Existing links will be maintained in this process.
> Feedback and suggestions would be very constructive.
> Thank You

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