On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 8:28 PM Craig Treleaven <ctrelea...@macports.org>

> Where a port requires non-default variants for any of its dependencies,
> the above suggestion is not appropriate.  If the port uses the
> active_variants portgroup, this is most likely the reason.  If a naive user
> follows the suggested install instructions, they are going to experience a
> ‘failure’ and then need to take steps to fix it that are not immediately
> obvious.  If the port has a lot of dependencies, the failure happens LONG
> after the user started the install.  Very bad user experience.

Thank you for pointing this out. Is there any mechanism by which such ports
could be identified?

After that, a couple of personal preferences.  On both the ‘Splash’ and
> detail views, the Description is initially truncated with a “More…”
> control.  I think this is vital information and the entire description
> should always be displayed.

The "description" is displayed in full and not truncated. Clicking on
"More..." displays the "long_description" from Portfile.

Also, on the Detail screen, I think all the dependencies should always be
> listed.  It is a details screen so I would suggest that we shouldn’t have
> to click various controls to see the full details.

Thank you, dependencies are now always listed. But the "dependent ports"
are folded by default because the list can be thousands of ports long in
some cases.

> Since we are displaying everything else, has consideration been given to
> displaying the port’s Notes, if any?

Not as of now, this information is not present in PortIndex. After looking
up very quickly, I think there is no way to obtain this information without
opening the Portfile. If it is useful, we can write a TCL script that can
provide this information.

Thank you

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