On Oct 28, 2007, at 23:58, Tobias Weisserth wrote:

I have a very basic question that I couldn't answer for myself by looking at the port manpage or by searching the macports website.

My install base is cluttered by many inactive versions of ports that I cannot uninstall without running in dependency problems.

For example, this is a list of all the ports that I have installed:

The following ports are currently installed:
  a2ps @4.13b_3 (active)
  aalib @1.4rc5_2 (active)
  apr @1.2.11_0 (active)
  apr @1.2.8_0
  apr @1.2.9_0


(side note: it would be nice if MacPorts would sort this in "natural order" so that 1.2.11 appears after 1.2.9...)

How do I get rid of inactive, duplicate versions of ports that I have installed without hitting the dependency wall?

sudo port -f uninstall inactive

In the future, you can

sudo port -u upgrade foo

if you would like MacPorts to upgrade foo, and automatically uninstall (-u) the old version afterwards.

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