On Oct 29, 2007, at 00:15, William Davis wrote:

On Oct 29, 2007, at 12:58 AM, Tobias Weisserth wrote:

I have a very basic question that I couldn't answer for myself by looking at the port manpage or by searching the macports website.

My install base is cluttered by many inactive versions of ports that I cannot uninstall without running in dependency problems.

For example, this is a list of all the ports that I have installed:

The following ports are currently installed:
 a2ps @4.13b_3 (active)
 aalib @1.4rc5_2 (active)
 apr @1.2.11_0 (active)
 apr @1.2.8_0
 apr @1.2.9_0


How do I get rid of inactive, duplicate versions of ports that I have installed without hitting the dependency wall?

For example, I have numerous versions of GTK installed:

 gtk2 @2.10.13_0
 gtk2 @2.10.14_0
 gtk2 @2.12.0_0
 gtk2 @2.12.1_0 (active)

Though I should only need the latest which is active.

A "sudo port uninstall inactive" doesn't do the job. I have the feeling that macports is adding stuff to my system with every upgrade without getting rid of the old stuff and eating away at my hard drive space. What's the best way to solve this problem?

thanks for your help,

Tobias W.

wont sudo port -df uninstall inactive do it?

Yes. No need for the -d part either.

in the future instead of doing sudo port install foo
why dont you use
sudo port -duf foo
which will uninstall the old version of foo,
but -warning- Im new here myself. :)

Presumably you meant

sudo port -duf upgrade foo

but use of -f is not recommended if you don't also use -n. Otherwise you'll very likely get all the port's dependencies forcibly upgraded as well, quite possibly multiple times, whether or not they needed it. See:


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