On Mar 23, 2009, at 01:06, Darren Weber wrote:

I like the idea of an opt-in Xgrid system, whereby users could opt- in to install an Xgrid client that provides a macports build system, binary distributions, and meta-ports monitor. Of course, some folks might interpret it as too much big-brother, but really it's just so common now to have integrated network clusters with two-way traffic. The opt-in and security settings on the facility may need integrity checking (code review - so specific commit rights and few maintainers with security access) and community monitoring to ensure security. Just about every major desktop system around has some kind of automated process monitoring and opt- in bug reporting (windows, mac OSX, gnome, etc.). I guess that Xgrid provides a nice platform for a distributed build system.

I have no idea where to start with macports base. If I had time to learn it, I would try. Even so, I would hate to screw around with it without knowing what I'm doing. Is there any documentation on how to get started with hacking macports base - any kind of sandbox to play around with?

Anyone know how to work with Xgrid? It's something on my todo list, but I've not read anything about it yet.

Before we can allow arbitrary users to submit their builds to a central server, we would need to ensure that a build that occurs on one user's system is *identical* to the build on any other user's computer. This cannot currently be assured because MacPorts does not build in a chroot, and without this, it is possible for a port to link with libraries that happen to be on the user's system that it ought not link with -- be they libraries from other ports on which the port in question does not declare a dependency, or libraries in / usr/local, to which the compiler always looks.

Therefore, a build farm that we control is a better option. Which, as explained in other threads, cannot happen until the software to do the automated builds in the clean environment is written.

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