Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
Evolution-data-server installed under the guidelines provided. Is anyone in a discussion with the developers of evolution-data-server to correct this oversight because I do not know of too many people who uninstall before upgrading and I do not think evolution-data-server is so perfect that it would never need to be upgraded. This would not be a problem just with MacPorts; but, everyone who wishes to upgrade an already installed evolution-data server.

On Apr 28, 2009, at 10:26 PM, David Evans wrote:

Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
Just a report to keep you updated on how upgrading went. The following successfully upgraded: pango, gtk2, popt, libproxy, gnome-platform-suite (following the new installations of: libgweather, libical, libarchive, and gvfs), lcms, libcanberra, metis, and python26. libcanberra had failed to upgrade in earlier attempts. The following still failed:

evolution-data-server (new port file displayed prior to the attempt) with the following error message:

/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -dynamiclib -o ../.libs/libgdraw.4.0.7.dylib .libs/choosericons.o .libs/ctlvalues.o .libs/drawboxborder.o .libs/gaskdlg.o .libs/gbuttons.o .libs/gcolor.o .libs/gchardlg.o .libs/gcontainer.o .libs/gdraw.o .libs/gdrawbuildchars.o .libs/gdrawerror.o .libs/gdrawtxt.o .libs/gdrawtxtinit.o .libs/gfilechooser.o .libs/gfiledlg.o .libs/ggadgets.o .libs/ggroupbox.o .libs/gimageclut.o .libs/gimagecvt.o .libs/gimagepsdraw.o .libs/gimagewriteeps.o .libs/gdrawgimage.o .libs/gimagexdraw.o .libs/gkeysym.o .libs/glist.o .libs/gmenu.o .libs/gprogress.o .libs/gpsdraw.o .libs/gpstxtinit.o .libs/gradio.o .libs/gresource.o .libs/gresourceimage.o .libs/gresedit.o .libs/gsavefiledlg.o .libs/gscrollbar.o .libs/gtabset.o .libs/gtextfield.o .libs/gtextinfo.o .libs/gwidgets.o .libs/gxdraw.o .libs/gxcdraw.o .libs/ghvbox.o .libs/gmatrixedit.o .libs/gdrawable.o .libs/gspacer.o .libs/xkeysyms_unicode.o -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../.libs/libgutils.dylib /opt/local/lib/libgunicode.dylib ../.libs/libgunicode.dylib /opt/local/lib/libiconv.dylib -lpthread -L/usr/X11R6/lib /opt/local/lib/libSM.dylib /opt/local/lib/libICE.dylib /opt/local/lib/libXi.dylib /opt/local/lib/libXext.dylib /opt/local/lib/libXau.dylib /opt/local/lib/libXdmcp.dylib /opt/local/lib/libX11.dylib /opt/local/lib/libxkbui.dylib /opt/local/lib/libXt.dylib /opt/local/lib/libxkbfile.dylib -Wl,/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/CoreServices -Wl,/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Carbon -install_name /opt/local/lib/libgdraw.4.dylib -compatibility_version 5 -current_version 5.7 -Wl,-single_module
ld: Undefined symbols:
/usr/libexec/gcc/powerpc-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/libtool: internal link edit command failed
make[1]: *** [../] Error 1
make: *** [libgdraw] Error 2

along with qemu and textlive_base.

Frank J. R. Hanstick <>

The developers of evolution-data-server apparently never contemplated the MacPorts upgrade scenario, that is, building a new copy while the old copy is still installed -- because of the way the link command is ordered, it will link against the old libraries in preference to the new ones if they exist. So instead of upgrading evolution-data-server try this

sudo port deactivate evolution-data-server
sudo port install evolution-data-server

It's a work around but it may help.  If not please file a ticket.


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