On Jun 10, 2009, at 16:26, Thomas De Contes wrote:

because it tries to Activate the aleady compiled python25, despite the fact that i recompiled MacPorts with differents options

Then you will need to uninstall that python25 and recompile it.

Note that you don't need to recompile MacPorts to change applications_dir or most of the other variables. All it does when you use --with-applications-dir is that it writes the value of that argument to the macports.conf file. So you can edit that file yourself later to change the values.

but i want to maintain a script which is able to install MacPorts or update it, according to that which it needs

Good idea, I have one of those too!

well, is it possible to update macports.conf with ./configure (except deleting it) ? i looked at "./configure --help" but i didn't find anything (but i don't know it very well)

I don't believe running ./configure will modify an existing macports.conf.

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