Le 11 juin 09 à 20:03, Ryan Schmidt a écrit :

On Jun 11, 2009, at 07:02, Thomas De Contes wrote:

Le 11 juin 09 à 06:55, Ryan Schmidt a écrit :

I don't believe running ./configure will modify an existing macports.conf.

ok, i will remove it

have i also to remove all macports/etc/macports/*.conf files ?

You don't have to remove them, but I don't believe MacPorts updates them if they exist.

MacPorts does not update them by default

the best would be that MacPorts updates them regarding what's on ./ configure cli, and preserve what has been manually set and not specified on ./configure cli

if it's not possible, no matter, i can remove them :-)
I hesitate simply between removing only macports/etc/macports/ macports.conf or all macports/etc/macports/*.conf

and other files ?

Which other files?

in case where there would be some other files that MacPorts wouldn't update, and that may cause some things broken

ps : thank you for answers on other threads :-)
(i won't reply to each)

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