On 19.08.11 17:25, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
On Aug 19, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
Unfortunately, there's no ticket number in the r13165 commit log, so a quick look doesn't show exactly what the build problems were. IIRC the private includes were installed into a normal search directory and some configure script found one or more of them.
i still believe this is a bug in that package. Tcl TEA build system works fine with multiple installations since many years, packages should use TEA and not use their own searches. btw., if the package making troubles is a tcl extension, then loading this package into the tcl installed from macports, it will likely crash.
Incidentally, the expect port is an example you can use to pull the already 
downloaded tcl source and have your build use its private headers.
This looks easy enough (attached is the modified port file). I am not sure, what's the best way is to submit the changed portfile. Should i create a ticket on https://trac.macports.org/report or is this ignored in case there is no maintainer...

-gustaf neumann

# $Id: Portfile 60534 2009-11-14 23:10:00Z ryandes...@macports.org $

PortSystem 1.0
name                    xotcl
version                 1.6.6
revision                0
categories              lang
maintainers             nomaintainer
description             Extended Object Tool Command Language
long_description        Extended Object Tcl (for short: XOTcl, pronounced 
exotickle) is an \
                        object-oriented scripting language based on Tcl. It was 
originally \
                        designed for providing language support for design 
patterns and provides \
                        novel constructs such as filters or transitive mixin 
classes. \
                        The language is designed for empowering rather than 
constraining \
                        system developers. The basic object model is highly 
influenced by CLOS.
platforms               darwin
homepage                http://media.wu-wien.ac.at
master_sites            ${homepage}/download/:xotcl sourceforge:tcl:tcl
destroot.destdir        DESTDIR=${destroot}
worksrcdir              ${name}-${version}/
depends_lib             lib:libtk8.5:tk

# Set tclv and md5 checksum to the current MacPorts Tcl port version, though 
port doesn't
# break if they aren't in sync.

set tclv                8.5.9

distfiles               ${distname}.tar.gz:xotcl \
checksums               ${distname}.tar.gz md5 bb044369dba3699f86d86ca89e63193d 
                                tcl${tclv}-src.tar.gz md5 

# Use a reasonable default
set tclconfig           ${prefix}/lib
configure.cflags        "-I${workpath}/tcl${tclv}/generic 
configure.args          --enable-threads --with-tcl=${tclconfig} 
--with-tk=${prefix}/lib \
                        --with-xotclsh \
                        --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
                        --with-tcl=${prefix}/lib \

dist_subdir             tcltk
distname                ${name}${version}

test.run                yes
test.target             test
use_parallel_build      no
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