> On Sep 29, 2016, at 10:30 AM, Zachary Waibel <zjwai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the spam, but I have a question regarding my MacPorts installation, 
> and I’m not sure if filing a ticket is the right way to go to get my question 
> answered. If it is then I will do that.
> Here’s my question: 
> I've installed the latest MacPorts and my issue is that if I start apache2 
> using the command "sudo port load apache2” I can then find my website from 
> outside my network.  However, after restarting my Mac and I cannot find my 
> website anymore.  It turns out if I turn off macOS’s Firewall I can then find 
> the website from the outside again.  The other way I can solve it is by doing 
> "sudo port unload apache2” and then "sudo port load apache2”, which seems to 
> open port 80.  However, after a restart the port is not opened, but apache2 
> is running.  So is MacPorts not compatible with El Capitan’s Firewall?
> Thank you for any help!

Writing to the macports-users mailing list is probably the right thing to do. 
I'm Cc'ing the list now. To reply, please make sure you're subscribed to the 
list first.

I've also been frustrated with the new macOS firewall for some years. I don't 
understand it. Maybe someone else on the list does and can give us both some 

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