> On Sep 30, 2016, at 6:03 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>> On Sep 30, 2016, at 8:47 AM, Stanton Sanderson <stans...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sep 30, 2016, at 5:17 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure if this will resolve this problem you're experiencing, but 
>>> forcing the activation was definitely not good, and you should undo that. 
>>> First you need to know which port you force-activated, and which other 
>>> port's files got moved out of the way as a result. I assume you 
>>> force-activated kdepimlibs4, and that it moved gpgme's files out of the 
>>> way. This problem in kdepimlibs4 was fixed in r153292 on Wednesday. I 
>>> suggest you `sudo port -f deactivate kdepimlibs4 gpgme`, then `sudo port 
>>> activate gpgme`; gpgme's files should now be back in the right place. Then 
>>> `sudo port selfupdate`. Then try `sudo port upgrade kdelimpibs4`. If you 
>>> had the old conflicting version of kdepimlibs4, it should now be upgraded 
>>> to the nonconflicting version. If you already had the nonconflicting 
>>> version, nothing will happen, in which case you should be able to run `sudo 
>>> port activate kdepimlibs4` without receiving an activation failure. You can 
>>> then upgrade any remaining outdated ports with `sudo port upgrade 
>>> outdated`. 
>> Thank you for your suggestion. I followed the steps as suggested (using the 
>> correct spelling for the upgrade step) but the process again failed at 
>> rebuilding kmymoney4.
> Ok, but the activation conflict is resolved?
>> I activated gpgme @1.6.0_2 and kdepimlibs4 @4.14.3_3 (which are still 
>> installed) and kmoney4 opened as before.
>> I uninstalled gpgme @1.7.0_0 and kdepimlibs4 @4.14.3_4, then did a self 
>> update and upgrade outdated. After the upgrades, kmymoney4 attempts to 
>> upgrade and fails.
> Can you show us a transcript or log of the failure?

I am at a point where port outdated (after sudo port selfupdate and sudo port 
upgrade) returns
The following installed ports are outdated:
        gpgme                          1.6.0_2 < 1.7.0_0         
        kdepimlibs4                    4.14.3_3 < 4.14.3_4 
 I don’t understand that. 

 I’m cc’d on the ticket(s). Kmymoney4 is running with the active versions of 
gpgme and kdepimlibs4. I have a second machine which I am not updating until 
this is resolved.

I was hoping to install Sierra on one machine to ensure compatibility with 
ported apps. I am aware of the instructions for doing so as presented on the 
macports web site.

Thank you.


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