> On Oct 4, 2016, at 6:40 AM, Stanton Sanderson <stans...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 4, 2016, at 5:07 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>>> On Oct 1, 2016, at 8:46 PM, Stanton Sanderson <stans...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for your suggestion. I followed the steps as suggested (using 
>>>>> the correct spelling for the upgrade step) but the process again failed 
>>>>> at rebuilding kmymoney4.
>>>> Ok, but the activation conflict is resolved?
>>>>> I activated gpgme @1.6.0_2 and kdepimlibs4 @4.14.3_3 (which are still 
>>>>> installed) and kmoney4 opened as before.
>>>>> I uninstalled gpgme @1.7.0_0 and kdepimlibs4 @4.14.3_4, then did a self 
>>>>> update and upgrade outdated. After the upgrades, kmymoney4 attempts to 
>>>>> upgrade and fails.
>>>> Can you show us a transcript or log of the failure?
>>> I am at a point where port outdated (after sudo port selfupdate and sudo 
>>> port upgrade) returns
>>> The following installed ports are outdated:
>>>     gpgme                          1.6.0_2 < 1.7.0_0         
>>>     kdepimlibs4                    4.14.3_3 < 4.14.3_4 
>>> I don’t understand that. 
>> What don't you understand? You don't have the latest versions installed; 
>> MacPorts is telling you that.
> Sorry for the confusion. What I don’t understand is that after running port 
> selfupdate and port upgrade outdated, gpgme and kdepimlibs4
> remain at the outdated versions. While this is convenient (since it allows me 
> to run kmymoney4), I don’t understand why
> the selfupdate and upgrade outdated scripts are skipping these two ports.

If a newer version of a port is installed, but an older version is active, it 
will be shown when you run "port outdated" but you will not be upgraded to it 
when running "sudo port upgrade outdated". If you want to upgrade, you can 
"sudo port activate" the new one.

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