> On May 11, 2017, at 1:10 PM, Christopher Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> 
> wrote:
>> On 11 May 2017, at 5:56 pm, Carlo Tambuatco <oraclmas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On May 11, 2017, at 12:52 PM, Christopher Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I would suggest the opposite instead. Remove your external R and just use 
>>> the MacPorts version. Any reason not to do this ? In general MacPorts 
>>> (rightly) ignores anything outside its ${prefix}.
>> Well, the version of R under macports is a version or two behind the R 
>> project version, so I was wondering if I could just tell macports to 
>> recognize my version.
> The version in MacPorts is already 3.4.0 Is this not the most recent release ?

Is it? Alright, it wasn’t the last time I checked several days ago...

> https://www.r-project.org
>>> Chris
>>>> On 6 May 2017, at 3:54 am, Carlo Tambuatco <oraclmas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I have the R.app application installed from the R project which also 
>>>> installs the R binary executable in my /usr/local/bin directory, so the 
>>>> point is I have R installed but it is not under macports control.
>>>> Is there a way to tell macports that I have R installed externally and get 
>>>> the py34-rpy2 port to use my installation instead of having to install the 
>>>> R port via macports? And if so, have this change persist through port 
>>>> upgrades…?
>>>> Thanks.
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