Hi Greg, well you answered your own question.  :-)  Anything Mac- 
related is certainly on topic.

   I'm sure sorry you feel like this is 'wrath' but I've gotten *many*  
requests / complaints from list members whom pay for bandwidth, or  
have limited time in which to read list mail, but whom would really  
like to stay on the list for it's informational value.  However, a lot  
of the more 'chatty' messages really get in the way for them.

   So far these people constitute the majority of whom I'm hearing  
from, so I need to take that as the general list consensus.

   This is, afterall, your list.  If you all said Cara, I want a chat  
list, then that's what this would be, and I'd never even consider  
posting the kind of thing I did earlier.  -But that's not what you're  
saying to me.  the list is saying that there is too much traffic that  
isn't relevant, so that's what I'm trying to address as list  
moderator.  Does this make sense?…

   So, since this is currently the case, when someone deliberately  
posts something that they, themselves have even labeled as 'Off  
Topic,' considering that I've posted very nice / polite requests  
numerous times, I then feel that a post like my earlier one is  
warranted.  I most certainly don't want to ban anyone nor do I want  
this list to become a tyrannical place which no one enjoys.  :-)   
what's the fun in that?

   However, if I keep asking nicely yet people keep feeling that it  
doesn't apply to them and go on posting notes they're kindly asked not  
to, then I'm not left with much choice in the matter, yes?…

   In order for this list to work well together, we need to have at  
least some respect for eachother and awareness that not everyone has  
the same access to plentiful internet time, nor do we all have the  
same sorts of leisurely schedules in which to lazily read vast amounts  
of email.  So since we're all different, we just need to find a good  
consensus we can come to, that's all…

   Now, you do raise a really good point in the sense of asking  
exactly what and what is not on-topic, since I'm planning to edit the  
Welcome message if needed, so I'll try to be as clear as I can.  I  
certainly don't want there to be any ambiguity and I certainly don't  
want anyone to feel they need to worry about what they're posting.

   Anyway, I hope this helps answer the question, and I wish you /  
yours a lovely evening!…


Cara  :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

On Mar 24, 2009, at 3:40 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

Just what qualifies as "off topic" and can there by bring down the
wrath of the moderators here. If I had, for example included a post
saying that I had worked out a bill scanner under OS X would that be
permitted? I think we could stand to grant some slack here so long as
it is somewhat related to VO and the Mac and or similar technologies.

Greg Kearney
535 S. Jackson St.
Casper, Wyoming 82601

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