I don't know who would be counted in the "young" group and who in the
"old.  I first heard rumblings that the Mac was accessable in late
2007.I was 30 then and am 32 now, got my Mac when I was 31.  So not
sure where I fit, young or old or whatever...

My story was this. My windows computer was on it's last legs and we
knew that I had to get a new one.  At first we thought about getting a
low cost windows laptop.  Then they came out with vista.  My partner
Larry at first didn't want to drop so much money all at once on a
computer.  But I sat down and did a lot of research. Listened to
screenless switchers, joined this list, listened to everything ACB
radio had to say found other podcasts and after that I priced out how
much would it be  to get a laptop with windows and a copy of JAWS.
Then I priced out the ongoing costs, upgrades to the OS and JAWS and
other things.  I gathered everything I learned and presented it to
Larry.  I think after all was said and done that the Mac, while
expensive at first more or less payed for it's self in the money I
saved as it had a built in screen access and screen enlargement, plus
the most I'd think of paying for os/A/T upgrades with the mac at tops
would be 150 bucks compaired to havint to spend 200 a year ontop of
the nearly 1000 starting price for a windows screen reader.  Just
after we took the choice to get the Mac I got a chance to try vista as
I barrowed my stepdaughter's new vista computer.  I tried timed demos
of JAWS and W.E. and the free screen readers and was so grumpy with
the whole thing.  Larry got to see first hand what a pain in the neck
it all was and I even got him to listen to some of the mac demos.  He
said we got the mac because it  has what I need and seems to be a
better computer for me.  I haven't crashed it yet and aside from a few
structure problems with the macbook, like little shards of it coming
apart where the lid shuts and the recent shorting out of the option
key I have had no trouble with it.  I think people can take the choice
if they find themselves where I was.  In need of a computer and free
and open to anything.  I'm a stay at home mom so don't have to worry
about my mac interfacing with other computers I like my choice and am
glad I took the time to learn all I could rather than just following a
mass of people one way or the other.

Olathe, Ks USA

On 6/10/09, Mark Baxter <markbaxte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is typical NFB.  Prey on an already oppressed popularion with
> scare tactics about what *COULD* go wrong and how helpless they'd be
> unless trhey do things the NFB way.  It's why I have very little to do
> with organized groups of blind people.  Don't feel bad; I also scoff
> at organized religion in favor of individual spirituality, and hate
> Christmas because of shopping mobs and humans in packs.  Don't beieve
> what the NFB tells you; they're just anothe organization with another
> marketing angle.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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