
get it here. . It is called iPod Companion.


On 2-Jul-09, at 6:54 PM, Jenny Kennedy wrote:

> Hi Alex and Brent,
> Thanks for responding.  The daisy books I want to use aren't from RFB.
> They are just daisy format. I obtained access to them via my online
> corse via handiham.org as part of my online ham radio classes.  I'd
> like to sort out how this form of digital audio book is used as I
> heard either in the handi ham weekly news letter or the rain report
> podcast that h.h. are looking to provide more of their learning
> resources through the daisy format in the near future and have posted
> 2 or 3 books on their site.  According to their site they provide
> links to an open source program that reads the files and links to an
> unpacking tool that reconfigures the files in the book without fuss so
> the player can use them.
> I need to sort out a non-windows way of using these files on the mac
> but haven't a clue where to start.
> I looked on the cucat web pages, you know that site that has all the
> VO friendly mac programs and found a book player.  I just don't know
> how to use it as the user's guide is in daisy which is is about as
> useful to me as a print guide to reading braille. : smile :
> I need to know if we need a secondary program like this windows
> unpacking tool to get all the files in the correct order or do you
> just download all the files of a given daisy book to a folder and then
> just leave them in the folder and open whatever it is you're meant to
> open via the player?
> I'm sorry for being so thick about all this.  I guess this is how some
> older people must feel when trying to master the computer at first.
> I'm sure once I understand daisy conventions for saving, ordering and
> accessing files I'll be like "Oh duh this is really easy how could it
> ever of been hard?"
> As for the text to audio stuff. Alex what is this program of which you
> speak? Where can I get it? It isn't as massively complex as all this
> daisy stuff is it? : grin :.
> On Screenless switchers Darcy did a really good presentation of doing
> this via automater but I got quite hopelessly lost.  I don't really
> understand automater or how to use it. I know it's meant to make
> things easy like doing repetive actions on the computer like macros
> but I'm shy about fiddling with it as too many blue screens of death
> and the like have left me uneasy about doing anything that could cause
> the system to crash. I know that is a bad windows mindset.  But I'm
> just a year off windows and spent 12 or 13 years as a windows user so
> some habbits are hard to overcome.
> Okay well Benjamin my baby son is trying to eat my iPod ear buds
> again! and Skye is being too quiet so I have to dash off for now.
> If anyone can help me out that would be very lovely.
> Best regards.
> Jenny
> On 7/2/09, Brent Harding <bhard...@doorpi.net> wrote:
>> I don't think there's a way to play RFB on it, is there? I thought  
>> there was
>> something called Katieplayer back when, but I heard they went out of
>> business.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Alex Jurgensen" <asquare...@gmail.com>
>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 7:25 PM
>> Subject: Re: Audio howto requests: DAISY Books and making text to  
>> speach
>> Audiobook files
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't know what Holly and Darcy used for conversion, but my free
>>> tool does the trick.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 2-Jul-09, at 4:55 PM, Jenny Kennedy wrote:
>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>> I was wondering if anyone has done or could do an audio howto on  
>>>> the
>>>> following...
>>>> Using DAISY books and their assorted players on the mac.  I'm sorry
>>>> but the whole consept of these cutting edge books goes over my  
>>>> head.
>>>> How do they work? Why are there so many confusing files? What is  
>>>> this
>>>> "DNA" file thing and how to use it? How do you unpack a massive  
>>>> lot of
>>>> daisy files and put them all back together? What software is best  
>>>> to
>>>> use with VO? Just stuff like that.
>>>> And secondly, I know Darcy and Holly covered it on screenless
>>>> switchers how to make  a text file into an audio book for iPod  
>>>> but I
>>>> got sort of lost so is there an easy way to do it or could someone
>>>> explain it again? If not it is alright.
>>>> orry to cut this short. Skye and Benjamin are wanting ther inner.
>>>> Quick and much thanks
>>>> Jenny
> >

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