Thank you all for all the answers you gave me to this.  I find that
the shift-control-options m to bring up that menu only sometimes
works.  On something like on the front age of for example
it does not give you the appropriate option in that menu.  That was
what made me realize it wasn't a usable anser for all cases and I
don't know about most or not.  Armed with these suggestions though
that issue should no longer be a problem.


On 7/24/09, Mike Arrigo <> wrote:
> Hi, you can do this quite easily. Press control option shift m on the
> link, and choose download linked file from the menu.
> On Jul 23, 2009, at 8:15 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to configure things so that when you click on a link on
>> a page such as or as examples that have
>> links that are http://www and have an mp3 file at the end of the link
>> so that it will download the mp3 instead of just launching into
>> quicktime or whatever it is that just streams and plays it at that
>> point?  Some of them you can do the control options shift m and pick
>> the download file from the menu and that is fine, but sometimes when
>> you do that it does not give you that specific of an option.  To
>> explain what I am talking about when I go to exactly those same links
>> on the windows side it says do you want to open or save this file.
>> Now I want to prefer to use the mac more and more til I don't care
>> about the PC practically, but I really wonder if I can configure it to
>> give me that option with those links to download the file without
>> having to hope there is and go to some other page such as the podcast
>> page just to do it.  A little thing, but it is really pissing me off
>> actually when it is an issue.  Ok, of course I keep it in perspective,
>> but you know it is annoying.  Is it something in quicktime or ITunes
>> or safari that you configure differently if it is possible?  I looked
>> through the options in safari and didn't find anything.  I haven't
>> looked yet through ITunes honestly, but thought maybe somebody here
>> already "invented the wheel" and knows the simple answer.
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>> >
> >

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