I noticed that also and thought that's great.


> On 18 Aug 2014, at 11:07 am, Paul Erkens <paul.erk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Georgina and Sabahattin,
> Thanks so much. The problem is solved. Mavericks now runs freshly on my 
> macbook. With ml and earlier, it was easy to simply unpack the big dmg file 
> for the operating system, found in the downloaded app bundle. to a USB drive. 
> This new way of doing it was unknown to me. This time I did not have to go 
> through these hoops, but I'm definitely saving your messages for future use.
> I found out about an interesting change in disk utility in Mavericks, when 
> compared to the older mountain lion version, just for those interested. In ml 
> and earlier, if you booted from the recovery mac partition, command r after 
> the chime while turning the computer on, then we could not delete the 
> macintosh hd partition with disk utility, as long as it was still encrypted. 
> The process was tedious. I used to have to boot up normally, turn of 
> filevault, then let it do its decryption process which takes hours, and only 
> then can you reboot into the recovery partition, and delete the macintosh 
> partition from there. Now with Mavericks, this is different. Whether or not 
> macintosh hd is encrypted, you can now wipe it using disk utility, before 
> doing a reinstall from the recovery partition.
> Paul.
>> On Aug 16, 2014, at 10:08 PM, Georgina Joyce <g...@gena-j.me.uk> wrote:
>> Hello Paul,
>> Yes you can. What you need to do.
>> Go to your app store on the ML machine.
>> Download Mavericks and when the installer starts, press cancel.
>> Then you can provide a command line
>> to write it to a USB stick greater than 7.9 Gb.
>> Many of us did this when Mavericks first came out and discussed it here. So 
>> you can look through this list archives. Or just use your favourite search 
>> engine. I think there are a few utilities to automate the procedure, if that 
>> is what you want.
>> In reading Mac World's guide. They suggest you should boot up your machine 
>> in recovery mode and use disk utility to attempt to repair the disk firstly 
>> to ensure it is functional. Article link below.
>> However, you should be able to sort it out yourself, I suspect. The machine 
>> doesn't know your wireless access details. Either open up your wireless or 
>> use a ethernet cable to link the Pro to the router.
>> http://www.macworld.com/article/2056543/installing-mavericks-our-complete-guide.html
>> Good luck.
>> Gena
>>> On 16 Aug 2014, at 20:06, Paul Erkens <paul.erk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear listers,
>>> I have 2 machines, a mini and a macbook, where the macbook won't boot any 
>>> longer. I'm now writing on my mac mini, which has Mountain Lion. I'd rather 
>>> not yet update this machine to Mavericks, because I'm waiting for Yosemite. 
>>> My macbook is indeed running Mavericks already.
>>> This afternoon, the Mavericks macbook somehow died. It won't boot. My wife 
>>> tells me there's an infinite beach ball, and the system has been used so 
>>> intensively, that I wanted to reinstall Mavericks anyway, and start anew. 
>>> That is because my macbook had lion, mountain lion, and then I updated that 
>>> to Mavericks, and the macbook deserves a fresh install. Unfortunately, the 
>>> macbook won't boot anymore.
>>> I thought I would first restore my latest macbook time machine backup. This 
>>> went, but failed before getting to 1 %.
>>> If I start up the macbook from its recovery partition and I then try to 
>>> reinstall OS 10, it asks for my Apple ID, and it won't get passed that, 
>>> even though there is a wifi connection according to my sighted wife. It 
>>> keeps saying: signing in to the app store, for 15 minutes. Then I gave up 
>>> on that. So now, I would like to create a Mavericks USB stick, and 
>>> reinstall  Mavericks from there. My macbook running Mavericks, won't boot, 
>>> nor recover, so that machine is not an option to create the USB recovery 
>>> drive with. I'll have to create a Mavericks USB recovery stick using my mac 
>>> mini, which runs Mountain lion.
>>> From what I discovered, I can indeed create a recovery USB drive, using my 
>>> mountain lion machine. I downloaded the Mavericks installer app, I 
>>> downloaded the diskmaker program, but when I run disk maker, it tells me 
>>> that it can only create a mountain lion USB recovery disk, and not one for 
>>> Mavericks. This is because disk maker detected mountain lion running on the 
>>> system.
>>> So, is there any way you can think of, that I can use to create a Mavericks 
>>> USB bootable installer drive for Mavericks, using my mountain lion machine? 
>>> I could update this mountain lion machine and be out of trouble right away. 
>>> However, I bumped into numerous Mavericks issues that don't occur on my 
>>> current mountain lion installation. So, if possible, I'd like to keep using 
>>> ML for a few more months, until we have Yosemite. I'm very interested to 
>>> hear your solution if there is one.
>>> Regards,
>>> Paul.
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>> Gena
>> Why pay someone to mess about with my food? When I can quite adequately mess 
>> about with it myself!
>> Georgina Joyce
>> Applied Psychologist
>> Training and Coaching.
>> Because individuals of groups matter!
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