Hi Alex,
I was originally attempting to search for music title on my Mac. As I did that, 
everything including email having nothing to do with what I was searching for, 
web search results that were unlabeled, also having nothing to do with what I 
was attempting to find. I gave up.
I realize in some ways that letter was not very nice, however, someone needs to 
be made aware that even though we are in my Nordie, we still have issues. If 
that both concentration is now on what makes it look pretty rather than 
functionality, they may as well did ditch accessibility. If they are not going 
to do it right, leaving us with a half-baked product, figuring we have to 
settle for whatever they give us, that's crap. I have totally lost all faith in 
them with this release. As I said in another post, they have traded quality for 
quantity and apologies. I know nothing is perfect. However I also know for the 
prices they charge, it would not hurt them to take the time to do it right. All 
the read these dates, and updates, it won't matter, unless you have a product 
worth releasing and updating.

Pam Francis

On Oct 19, 2014, at 9:06 AM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:

I agree that it would be great if Apple put out a document or iBook explaining 
the accessibility and interface changes with each release. In fact, this is 
something that I have urged them to do in the past, for iOS and OS X.

I don't use iTunes much, so I can't comment on that, but I will say that I have 
not used the sidebar in that app since it became optional last year, and I have 
no problems. Spotlight is better, for me at least, than it was in 10.9. Can you 
provide an example of what you search for that gives you the unlabeled items? I 
know it might not work on my machine since our two Macs will have very 
different files on them, but if it is a web search result, I might be able to 
duplicate the problem. So far, I haven't seen anything not labeled, except the 
Maps thumbnail when a nearby business is a result.

As to Windows, consider this: when Windows 8 came out as an upgrade to Windows 
7, the interface was far, far more radically altered than is that of Yosemite 
compared to Mavericks. Windows 10 will be out next year, with yet more profound 
alterations over Windows 8. Microsoft will not release a changes document with 
an eye toward accessibility either, and since Apple doesn't force Mac users to 
upgrade, I'm not sure I see the difference here. Yes, Microsoft has much more 
public betas, so people know what to expect before release day, but the same 
information comes out within a couple days of a new OS X release. Plus, to my 
knowledge, there is no site equivalent to AppleVis for Windows, so finding out 
what changed in accessibility is more difficult.

I'm not saying Apple is perfect, and I'm not saying they don't have worse 
quality assurance than they have in the past (look at iOS8, or the simple bugs 
not caught in Yosemite). I'm not saying Windows is a worse operating system 
objectively, though it is to me personally. What I am saying is that iTunes 
still does what I need, even if it looks different, and I have no problems with 
Spotlight. It works even better than it did in Mavericks (specifically, 
navigation is more reliable and it pulls in far more information), and I have 
found no show-stopping bugs in this release.
> On Oct 19, 2014, at 2:28 AM, Pamela Francis <gypsykitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Apple has so much broken this OS. I have no idea why they would think of 
> releasing it without having paid more attention to what they were doing.
> I wrote this to the accessibility email address, even though it may not be 
> totally their fault, I can't believe they don't have some input into what 
> goes into their new OS.
> Hello,
> I am extremely disappointed with the lack of attention paid to accessibility 
> in your latest OS10 release.
> You overhauled the look of your software, while not thinking of those of us 
> who have grown to trust you with our accessibility needs.
> I know many visually impaired beta testers, most under NDA with you per each 
> release of both desktop & IOS software.
> I realize we are a minority in the big picture of your customer base. 
> However, if one has paid money to participate in  your testers program & is 
> paid lipservice to what is reported, what good are the testers? Has the 
> quality control suffered because the upgrades are now free? 
> Aren't we as a disability community owed a description of what we can expect 
> in terms we understand? It looks pretty, but acts very much like something 
> from a crackerjack box.
> I can't get to my music in Itunes because the views I have become used to 
> have disappeared. There is no more sidebar.
> In spotlight search, which is supposed to search for references outside my 
> Mac, I hear either the words button or image in the search results.
> How is this useful to me or anyone who would try to use it with no vision?
> As I stated earlier, there are those who have been under NDA to attempt to 
> alert you of the issues before release. Those same people had enough respect 
> for their contracts to not divulge issues that may concern the rest of us. 
> However, in return we all got slapped in the face.
> There is a site that gathers bugs, along with other content. 
> In case you are interested go to www.applevis.com
> As has been shown, I doubt any of this will be taken to heart. 
> I can only hope.
> My next computer, if I need one will be a Windows machine. They are cheaper, 
> maybe a little buggy, yet I know what I am getting.
> Premium prices should reflect premium quality in every sense of the word.
> Pamela Francis            
> Pam Francis
> On Oct 18, 2014, at 8:47 PM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
> It's now called Dictation Commands, and is coupled with Dictation. Enable it 
> in accessibility preferences, and use it by pressing the same command you'd 
> use to start dictation (press that key once more to stop). The problem is 
> that VoiceOver is muted during all dictation, which now includes issuing 
> commands, so even if a command works, you get no spoken feedback.
>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 5:55 PM, Faisal <newyorkyank...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> did they completely do away with voice commands on Yosemite? My key trigger 
>> no longer works and I couldn’t find it in system preferences.
>> Thanks
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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