I would put the beep 3 right after the click.
If you don’t have a slight delay, then it might not work.

Are you trying to toggal bluetooth on and off?  If so, I think there may be a 
problem.  You might want to change button 6 to button 3.

On Apr 22, 2015, at 10:22 AM, Traci Duncan <our4p...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all, I’ve needed to update my toggle bluetooth script & thankfully I found 
one on the web.  My question is, in the below script, where would I add in a 
sound effect?  Beep 3, something like that.
tell application "System Preferences"
        reveal pane "com.apple.preferences.Bluetooth"
end tell
tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences"
        click button 6 of window 1
end tell
quit application "System Preferences"


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