On 5/1/24 17:30, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries wrote:
I think the situation with the docks will sort itself out eventually,
though I would want to know the cost of the new dock before purchasing
the unit.

That's very wise. I would be reluctant to purchase a device designed to be considerably iPhone-dependent, as it would then constrain my choice of future phone purchases for a number of years, effectively ruling out Android. At this point, I expect my next mobile device to be another iPhone, but I would much prefer to leave the options open.

I want my braille display fully to support whatever else I have, now and later, as it's the most costly single item and I am not about to substitute another without loss or damage to the original.

Of course, there are good reasons why other people legitimately have different priorities. I'm merely explaining mine, not trying to influence anyone.

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