Hi Jane,

Wow, this must be the 1.8 beta that is supposed to add accessibility support.  
According to the MacUpdate page, this was released July 20, 2011. Is this 
usable? The current stable version of Adobe Digital Editions (1.7.2) does not 
let VoiceOver read anything.  The MacUpdate reviews of this product (stable 
versions) by sighted users are at the lowest ratings.  Have things gotten 
better? On the iPad are you using this with OverDrive? (since BlueFire Reader, 
the other app that supports library downloadable ADE DRM renders even books 
without DRM protection unreadable by VoiceOver).


On Jul 26, 2011, at 11:20, Jane wrote:

> I am currently using Adobe Digital Edition 1.8 to read books from Kobo on the 
> Mac.  I am also getting it to work on the iPad.  It takes some fiddling, but 
> you can read books from there with either the Mac or the iPad or other 
> iDevice.
> Jane
> On Jul 26, 2011, at 4:36 PM, Max wrote:
>> Hi. Can anyone give some advice on reading e-books on the Mac?
>> I've tried the Kindle and Kobo apps for Mac and they are both not
>> accessible.
>> I know that Stanza can read some DRM-free formats - but that only
>> takes you so far.
>> Are there any Mac solutions that are as easy to use and accessible as
>> iBooks on the iPhone?
>> Please help
>> Thanks
>> Max

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