Yes, I think apple has discontinued the regular macbook, so now it's either the 
macbook air or the macbook pro. I also have the last generation of the white 
macbook. The macbook air is great for portability, but it lacks a couple 
features I would want, a dvd drive and an ethernet port.
On Jul 26, 2011, at 2:03 PM, David Taylor wrote:

> It's nice to see somebody being generally positive on here! With regard to 
> your questions, I can only say that my ordinary Macbook, the nice White one 
> that you can't get any more because it apparently isn't good enough, runs 
> just fine. There's the odd task that takes longer or makes it run hot that 
> didn't used to, particularly opening and closing lots of apps, but I'll take 
> the sandboxing any day as the performance loss is very minimal on my old 
> fashioned thing!
> Take care
> Dave
> On 26 Jul 2011, at 18:22, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay.  Subject line says it all.
>> 1.  The sluggishness was immediately obvious upon installation; but, after 
>> the passing of an hour or so, that went away; indexing I suppose.
>> 2.  Mail.
>> a.  I love the new view with the way the conversations work.
>> b.  Would like a reminder how to download any attachments I may happen to 
>> receive directly from e-mail.
>> c.  The signatures part doesn't crash anymore.  About damn time they fixed 
>> that one.
>> 3.  Safari.
>> a.  I don't mind most of the changes.  The item chooser certainly acts 
>> differently; however, VO+f seems to work even faster than the item chooser 
>> once did and in Lion, Found things that it did not find under SL.
>> b.  What sucks is that now, I cannot seem to select text from web pages 
>> anymore.  They broke shift+down arrow even after interacting with text; and, 
>> select all does not work.  A work around would be appreciated.
>> c.  Made some changes to how VO reacts when loading a web page because I 
>> never get the sound anymore once a page is loaded.  So, all sounds now muted 
>> and things sounds once did are now spoken or silent.
>> 3.  I'm very happy to say that, after preliminary examination, RX seems to 
>> behave well under Lion and no issues with noise reduction and the like.  All 
>> processing dialogs appear to work well.
>> 4.  Have not yet tried amadeus Pro; but, I'm quite sure that it works well; 
>> and, if it did not, also quite sure that there would be multiple 
>> conversations here about it.
>> 5.  Boy, does my Mac ever run hot now.  It never did under SL.  My fan goes 
>> Quite hard if I just do stuff like checking my e-mail and even now, as I 
>> type this message to y'all, I can hear it in the background.  This only 
>> happened if I was doing something like noise reduction under SL.  That would 
>> be the only thing that would push my GPU hard enough to make that happen.
>> 6.  Because I did the install of Lion overtop of LS, all my settings did in 
>> fact get preserved; but, had to change the lines in Mail preview under the 
>> view tab to Zero.  Mail goes busy when first opened, but, only if there are 
>> very many messages yet to be gone  through.
>> Well, that's it so far.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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