Well the point is these days, does Tim Cook know what we want, he has a funny 
voice but I wonder if he has vision as Steve Jobs did.
On 28 Jun 2013, at 15:34, Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> wrote:

> I have a vague recollection of Jobs talking about how they don't do user 
> testing because users don't know what they want until [Apple] shows it to 
> them. That must be a difficult space to navigate as you're pretty much 
> guessing what a user might want if they knew it existed. It also means this 
> sort of leap for consumers that's hard to explain to people outside the 
> 'club'. If you just did checklists and features you might (and people often 
> do) that there is no difference between a Mac or an iPhone and their 
> contemporaries in the market, but there is something different that is just 
> subtle. Like trying to explain how something good tastes to somebody who has 
> never tried it. Ahh, turned these up from Job's biography with some googling:
> At a 1982 planning retreat, someone on the Mac team, "thought they should do 
> some market research to see what customers wanted. 'No,' [Jobs] replied, 
> 'because customers don't know what they want until we've shown them.'"
> "On the day he unveiled the Macintosh, a reporter from Popular Science asked 
> Jobs what type of market research he had done. Jobs responded by scoffing, 
> 'Did Alexander Graham Bell do any market research before he invented the 
> phone?'"
> Jobs: "Some people say, 'Give customers what they want.' But that's not my 
> approach. Our job is to figure out what they're going to want before they do. 
> I think Henry Ford once said, 'If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they 
> would have told me, "A faster horse!"' People don't know what they want until 
> you show it to them. That's why I never rely on market research. Our task is 
> to read     things that are not yet on the page."
> CB
> On 6/28/13 8:46 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi guys 
>> When I started out thinking about an accessible phone, I never dreamed that 
>> I would get a device that would have a GPS like BlindSquare on it and that I 
>> could get a restaurant menu on it with a braille display. I never dreamed of 
>> a program where I could take pictures of an item in my refrigerator or a can 
>> in my cabinet and find out what the thing was. When people talked about the 
>> camera, I remember thinking "Well, who cares!" I remember Johnathan you 
>> doing a podcast or some kind of presentation for Freedom Scientific talking 
>> about braille displays with an iPhone and I was sitting there thinking about 
>> what a stupid idea this was to have a braille display hooked up to a phone 
>> of all things. I remember saying to myself: "Why would anybody want music, 
>> email, etc. on a phone of all things?" Of course, guess what I have on my 
>> iPhone these days! I just plain flat didn't get it what things I could do 
>> with an iPhone. I kept thinking of it as a phone instead of a little bitty 
>> computer with the ability to make phone calls. I have a blind friend who has 
>> decided she will an iPhone eventually, but she doesn't get yet either. She 
>> keeps saying to me: "Well, I can do all that right now." I guess she won't 
>> get it either until she gets one herself. She would love BlindSquare, but 
>> she doesn't know it yet. It's a case of finding out you wanted something you 
>> didn't know you wanted until you got it. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> On Jun 27, 2013, at 5:51 PM, Kerri <shalo...@shaw.ca> wrote:
>>> *grin, seriously addicted grin.
>>> On 2013-06-27, at 2:13 PM, Chenelle Hancock <filmchenelle1...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello  everyone, 
>>>> I have been an apple I Phone  user  Since  October 31, 209. When I first 
>>>> purchased  my very  first I Phone 3. g s.  I had never  texted  anyone 
>>>> that I knew with a smart phone. I didn't  have the proper access  to a 
>>>> smart phone where I could text, send email or instant  messages  let alone 
>>>>  download  music and video content.  Without  having sighted 
>>>> assistancevery. So when I had my brand new I phone inside  of my hands. I 
>>>> was so elated  with joy I did not know what  to do with myself  at first. 
>>>> Now  I cannot ever see myself with out one. Now I  not only have an I 
>>>> phone  4. s. But I have a makdck book  pro and a time capsule along  with 
>>>> an I pad mini and  and finally  I have a Apple TV.  That Is how invested  
>>>> in all things apple that I am at the moment. 
>>>> For the record I will never go back to the Windows  operating system ever 
>>>> again as long as I live. 
>>>> Sincerely,  Chenelle 
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