Also worth noting that we have some Zaurus people around and I/we did look at OE
for Mer but felt that we wanted more compatibility with maemo etc to allow
access to things like "Extras".

There would be a *lot* of work in just repackaging software before you even
start to hack at any code.


Qole wrote:
> I'm sure this is obvious, but I just want to be sure:
> Please also look at the Mer project, since they are trying to build a
> Maemo system, using only the open source pieces of Maemo. They are
> building their system on Ubuntu, instead of OE, but their project might
> offer insight into the problems you will encounter.
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Kirtika Ruchandani <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hello everyone,
>     I am Kirtika Ruchandani, a Maemo-GSoC student this year working on 
>     integrating Maemo in Open Embedded(OE) by creating a maemo image for
>     the N800/N810 in OE.
>     The project aim is to get a file-system image of maemo built in OE
>     for the N800/N810 with all the Maemo software stack components -
>     including the hildon UI environment. The work done for this will
>     also include making the platform itself portable - i.e. being able
>     to port Maemo components for a device over a given base, say angstrom.
>     I will be looking at the Poky port of Maemo, previous work done by
>     my mentor Florian Boor on this project, Mamona (which supports N800
>     in OE) and Angstrom (to be studied as a base) to go about the
>     porting work.
>     I am a second year under-graduate student at  Indian Institute of
>     Technology, Madras (IIT-M) in India and my IRC and garage nickname
>     is rkirti.
>     -- 
>     Kirtika Ruchandani
>     Sophomore
>     Computer Science and Engineering
>     Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
>     <>

"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."
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