Hi Eric,

> This is so interesting since GTK+ applications feels so much faster on
> all machines I've been using whereas QT once are somewhat slow..  Are
> you running them all in KDE? I'm running everything in Gnome and it's
> fast enough even on my 800MHZ machine at home.

I have to admit that I also use KDE but I am not a fan of one or the
other I just use it because I like its filemanager more than gnome's.
For pure GTK apps it should not make any difference wether they run on
KDE or Gnome except initial loading time which is not what I am
talking about.

All the stuff I talked about is from the user point of view, it is not
my intention to flame arround nore I am a fan of QT or GTK apps which
I would like to highlight.
I am just a bit dissappointed by the performance of some GTK2 apps, thats all.

These are just some impressions I had on my systems:
* Konqueror has a faster UI than Nautilus
* Opera has a faster UI than Firefox (whereas Mozilla GTK-1.2 builds
where pretty snappy till they switched to GTK-2)
* The Motif an Fox-Potrs of Eclipse are MUCH faster then Eclipse/GTK2
* Layouting works usually more smooth (=higher update frequency) wen
resizing something with QT than GTK.
* Even smaller UIs like that one from GFTP feel a bit slow if you
resize the views.

However that are just impressions, I did not make any time-tables to
document behaviours nore do I say QT is better than GTK.
I would be just happy if GTK would receive some intensiv profiling and
tuning versions instead of new features to be on the line with other
toolkits from the performance point of view.
It could also be the case that GTK apps suffer a bit form the
nvidia-drivers since I use nvidia cards on all of my 3 systems.

Thanks for listening, sorry for bothering, lg Clemens
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