After previous test I put device with empty battery to charger and it happens also when connected to charger (over wi-fi).

Once with wlan power settings 100mw and later also when reduced to 10mw.

Nokia770-26:~# ./memtester 40 1
memtester version 4.0.5 (32-bit)
Copyright (C) 2005 Charles Cazabon.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (only).

pagesize is 4096
pagesizemask is 0xfffff000
want 40MB (41943040 bytes)
got 40MB (41943040 bytes), virtual address=0x41131000, trying mlock ...locked.
Loop 1/1:
Stuck Address : testing 0FAILURE: possible bad address line at offset 0x005031a5 (page offset 1a5).
Skipping to next test...
Random Value : FAILURE: 0xbf3777dc != 0xbf370000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5).
FAILURE: 0x454d954f != 0x454d0000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5).
Compare XOR : FAILURE: 0x8e5146b4 != 0x8e50b165 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5). Compare SUB : FAILURE: 0x06bfe708 != 0x9f200000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5).
  Compare MUL         :   Compare DIV         : ok
  Compare OR          : ok
FAILURE: 0x7b69b068 != 0x7b690000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5).
  Compare AND         :   Sequential Increment: ok
Solid Bits : testing 1FAILURE: 0xffffffff != 0xffff0000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5). Block Sequential : testing 1FAILURE: 0x01010101 != 0x01010000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5). Checkerboard : testing 0FAILURE: 0xaaaaaaaa != 0xaaaa0000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5). Bit Spread : testing 0FAILURE: 0xfffffffa != 0xffff0000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5). Bit Flip : testing 0FAILURE: 0x00000001 != 0x00000000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5). Walking Ones : testing 0FAILURE: 0xfffffffe != 0xffff0000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5). Walking Zeroes : testing 0FAILURE: 0x00000001 != 0x00000000 at offset 0x000031a5 (page offset 1a5).


Then I closed wlan and connected via bluetooth and no errors on charger. Then disconnected charger and no error again on battery (grey icon with 1 stripe again).

Then did again still ins same shell via ssh over bluetooth but also connected to WLAN (but left it idle). And it happened again !

Then just disconnected WLAN and run again is same shell and it was OK again.

So it really seems related to wi-fi.

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