
this is embarrassing: there is a buffer overflow in the Application
Manager that is triggered when dealing with package icons that are
larger than 2048 bytes after base64 decoding.

The overflow happens when there is a repository in
/etc/apt/sources.list that contains such a icon in one of its
packages, or when you have installed a .deb file with such an icon.

The bug is present in all versions of osso-appliction-manager less
than 4.36, except 4.22.1.  Version 4.36 will appear in Sardine
soonish, and 4.22.1 will be in the next maintenance release of IT

The overfull does usually not result in a crash, tho.  The icon will
usually be treated as corrupted and the default icon will be shown.

If you maintain a repository, it would be good to check the packages
in it for icons that are too large.  Also, it would be a good idea to
reject packages whose icons are too large.  You can use the attached
script as a starting point.

I will check the repositories listed on maemo.org.

Limiting icons to 2k seems reasonable to me; almost all of them are
smaller than that.  So while this is a unfortunate situation, I don't
think disallowing icons larger than 2k for packages that are meant for
IT 2006 will be that bad.

Sorry for the bad news, but please spread them.

#! /bin/sh

# Usage: check-icon-overflow DEB
# Checks whether the maemo icon in DEB triggers the buffer overflow in
# the Application Manager.

set -e

if [ $# != 1 ]; then
  echo "usage: check-icon-overflow DEB" >&2
  exit 2

size=`dpkg-deb -f "$1" Maemo-Icon-26 | base64-decode | wc -c`

if [ "$size" -gt 2048 ]; then
  echo "Icon in $1 is larger than 2048 bytes."
  echo " Some versions of the Application Manager might crash"
  echo " when trying to handle it."
  exit 1

echo "(Icon of `basename $1` is $size bytes.)"
exit 0
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