On 5/2/07, Quim Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 03:29 -0300, ext Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
> Daniel, Siarhei, Eero: I always find your mails to provide great deal
> of tech information about N800.

What a coincidence, me too.  ;)

> However we do not have a central place
> with these information, it would be great if you guys setup a wiki
> page with tech details about drivers, optimizations and weakness of
> current implementations so others could base work on.

Indeed. But knowing about the day to day of these busy guys I kind of
understand why things they write instantly in an email can't be easily
reproduced by themselves in a more formal way.

I know, and problem is that we're not always sure of some things, some
effects are collateral, some are expected... that wastes our time and
when you're finished, often you're so tired you won't document it,
just archive the excerpt you want, without any context... you'll know
it when you need.

But we do want to have all these pearls available in a structured way in
maemo.org. Easing web publishing is a step, partially covered now by the
Midgard CMS integration. Providing an appropriate content structure is a
next step (I'm responsible of). Having that doc manager in place will
definitely help, as well, as making sure that every relevant component
in our architecture is officially covered by someone of the team (still
working on this).

Until then we will keep getting busy developers really sensitive to
openness and dialog, finding some spare time to answer questions and
fill indirectly the gaps in our documentation.

Quim, while "formal" documents as those maemo.org provides are cool,
it consumes a lot of resources... doing simple but correct/consistent
wiki is good enough. Maybe we could setup a "techday" that we'd meet
on IRC and document some topics on Wiki. It would be great to get some
people with deep knowledge on hw issues, like Daniel, Siarhei and
Eero... I could help with writing and organization, as I never dig on
hw that much (but I'll need to do so really soon).

... Said that, there is nothing stopping anyone from collecting these
pearls in the maemo.org wiki.  ;)


Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
 ICQ#: 17249123
Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (81) 9927 0010
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