
ext Arnim Sauerbier wrote:
> Regarding your portability argument: As things stand today, we already *do* 
> need to make
> non-portable changes to get acceptable performance using the existing ITOS.  
> The best example of
> this is the fact that to use pixel-doubling, games using SDL_Flip and partial 
> screen UpdateRect
> must be modified to not use SDL_Flip, and update the full 320x240 or 400x240 
> screen, every frame.
> as adequately demonstrated by http://pupnik.de/aliens-1.0.2_Nokia.tgz
> I think it bears repeating that this discussion is woefully conflating two 
> seperate topics, and
> much of this debate is unnecessary if we keep the seperateness of the two 
> goals in mind, namely:
> A) Improving game performance on existing tablets, and
> B) Improving game performance on future tablets.

There's also overlap:
C) Do the improvements in the way that allows using the N800 software
   on N770 (maybe with recompile) and vice verse.
And the question on which level the improvements are done.

If pixeldoubled RandR gets into N800 Xserver, somebody could port it
back to N770.  How this and the proposed N770 hack are used through
the SDL might not be same, so it makes sense to discuss both.

> So lets do that.  Let's let the gurus at Nokia work on the "next great 
> thing", and us plebes in
> the community work on getting acceptable SDL/game performance for the current 
> tablets.  

        - Eero
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