Hi Alberto,

Am Montag, 30. Juli 2007 21:16 schrieb Alberto García Hierro:
> El Sunday 29 July 2007 19:18:12 Rainer Dorsch escribió:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am wondering if there is a good way to use last.fm
> >
> >     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last.fm
> >
> > on the N800.
>       I'm working on a Last.fm stream player, but it's not ready for release
> yet. I've written almost all the backend stuff, consisting of:

Wow, that is excellent news. I would be more than happy to replace the 
lastfmproxy/mplayer combination by something lightweight and easier to use.

>       GObject based wrapper around curl, for avoiding dependencies on a new 
> http
> library (curl comes preinstalled in maemo).
>       XML-RPC library on top of libgcurl, which is the name I gave to the
> previous mentioned wrapper around curl.
>       GstCurl source plugin, for accesing http streams without gnome-vfs and,
> thereby, reducing overall memory footprint.
>       Last.fm player based on GStreamer and using all the components mentioned
> above.


>       Now I'm working on the frontend, using a common infrastructure with 
> hooks
> where the environment-specific functions attach. I have almost-working
> frontends for maemo and plain gtk, and I also plan to write one for
> openmoko.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/src/sol $ find \( -name "*.c" -o -name "*.h" \) -exec cat 
> {}
> \; |wc -l
> 6762
> (I know that infamous phrase about measuring progress by lines of code, but
> you get the idea)

Let me know, if you need a tester :-) Though I am away from the Internet for 
the next two weeks...

Many thanks,

Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
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