On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 3:49 PM, Frantisek Dufka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> scummvm depends also on mad, tremor, flac and mpeg2 which I compiled and
> 'make install'-ed from tar.gz into my scratchbox environment. Most
> possibly they are in debian but I need to hunt them. I avoided the
> problem so far by linking them statically (they are quite small and I
> prefer to not to have too many dependencies anyway).
> I am sorry for being so ignorant but how exactly do I produce debian
> source that can be uploaded? I am still packaging newbie. Any direct
> links to howtos appreciated.

I'm hoping to switch the direction of mud-builder[1] a little bit,
since the auto-building aspects are no longer so important. Instead,
it'll help with the creation of source packages for Maemo and
uploading them to the autobuilder. It'll do this - as it does
currently - from upstream tarballs, Debian packages etc, with the
possibility of Maemo-specific patches.

I started a thread about it on mud-builder-users, FWIW:


Input from existing mud users, and developers looking to move to
source-packages welcome.



[1] http://mud-builder.garage.maemo.org/

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