
Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> Dave Neary wrote:
>> Information
>> for older OSes or for the 770, should be (IMHO) a footnote at lest, or a
>> reference to an "archived" page which doesn't show up when browsing the
>> wiki normally.
> Well, I would not be surprised to hear such opinion from @nokia.com but
> I am a bit surprised to hear this from @maemo.org :-)

I speak not as a representative of Nokia, but as a documentation

One basic rule imposes itself: documentation should be useful to its
reader. There's an eternal balance between "give the user the
information he needs" and "be as complete as possible".

Wiki pages where 10% of the information is useful to an OS2008 user
("Install package X") and 90% is useful to a 770 user ("Edit file Z, as
root run "insmod Q", ...), then we need to make the page as simple as
possible for the majority of our users (N800 + N810 users), and ensure
that the "first principles" information is available to a 770 user, but
isn't in the same place as the useful information for the majority.

That means that you have a first page targeted at OS2008 users, and a
second page targeted at "legacy systems", which is in an appropriate
category. The second page will *only* get linked to from the first page,
and won't show up in your normal wiki navigation.

> Please be careful with removing
> 770/OS2006 or 2007(HE) information. Also people still use N800 with
> OS2007, latest in not always greatest :-)

Often, the first step for someone who has a problem with an N800 and
OS2007 is "first, upgrade to OS2008". There was a time in my life when I
didn't like throwing anything away, but as time has gone on, I realise
that you have to make a choice. Some things you keep close at hand or
put on the mantelpiece, some things get tidied away in boxes for the day
when you might need them, and some things just have to go.

> Perhaps the newest stuff should be first but footnote or archived page
> is going too far IMO.
> Can we tag pages or sections with OS/device names?

Please feel free to add pages to a 770 category, but don't categorise
pages targeted at the latest version. I'd like to keep the number of
categories we use in the wiki overall manageable.


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