Hi everyone.
I'm involved in the uzbl browser project (www.uzbl.org) and would like to port 
it to (make it available on) Maemo5.
(In fact I'm not sure yet how much porting will be needed, as this is a "normal 
gtk/glib/webkit-gtk program", maybe it will "just work")
But I'm very new to maemo and the community.
I created my project @ https://garage.maemo.org/scm/?group_id=1030

I'm still having some problems with pushing my code to the online git clone 
(http://sprunge.us/JhDZ) (same with GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1),
but once I've succeeded that I'm wondering:

1) how do I test my code on maemo5 ? I think I saw i mail about that on this 
list but couldn't find it back in the archives.  IIRC the conclusion was "you 
pretty much can't .. yet"
2) if you cannot test your program yet, how can you get it in `extras` ? I've 
read if you want to participate in the n900 dev program it's wise to get your 
program in extras before the n900 is launched.
   Furthermore, at 
http://maemo.org/community/application-catalog/extras_repository/ it is stated:
   'you must have a "proven track record" as a maemo developer. It means that 
you have been programming and preparing good quality software(s) for maemo'.  
How can you do that if you can't test?
3) am i looking to far? maybe i don't really need to port it and i should just 
package it? but still the above problems remain.

Thank you!
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