
When I started to write eCoach in Qt I had to search for existing mapwidget in Qt. I came to result that QMapControl is the best current solution. I tried also marble but i think it is an overkill for a device like N900.

I suggest that the QMapControl could be the basis for the new Qt mapwidget.
I have contacted the original author of the widget but he seems to be not so interested maintaining/developing the widget anymore.

Current issues i noticed with the QMapControl on Maemo:

- Slow tile rendering and panning
- Tile caching makes it even slower
- No good way to draw route on realtime
- Google maps not working

I dont think that we need to write whole thing from the scratch, mostly QMapControl needs only optimization and of course better solution for live route drawing.

- There is also support for common maptile servers and for example support for finnish topomaps should work out of the box with existing OSM maptile plugin if the funny authentication for topomaps server will be implemented.

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