I do not intend this as a flame, but you chose the wrong device. 
You want a laptop/tablet PC and you'll have to pay for it in both size and 
cost. Just putting together a package like the N800.770 is is a feat. Look at 
UMPCs and see what you can find, but I'd challenge you to find one that will 
do what you want for twice the price of the N800.

On Monday 05 February 2007 22:28, Mike Klein wrote:
> > The SINGLE worst problem with the 770/800 is NO BT headsets.  It's a
> > long standing complaint. I've come to believe it's a conscious decision.
> >
> > With BT headsets, these would be THE internet devices.
> >
> > sean
> Correction...single worst problem is that N800 doesn't <perhaps> have
> enough cpu to stream videos cleanly. This issue can't be fixed <perhaps>
> by a better driver. Re-encoding stuff sucks.
N800 is getting close, but to stream video (that people don't adequately 
encode) you really need power. Power == CPU speed (DSP) == Power consumption 
== BIgger battery.
> 2nd is no builtin keyboard of any kind. Handheld bt keyboards suck.
This is an internet tablet. Browsing/reading email does not really need a 
keyboard. A keyboard makes this already a bit to large device, way to large 
to fit in a pocket.

> 3rd worst problem is no 3G/cellular capability built-in.
<Opinion>By far the best choice! 
Why? Well adding cell support jumps the cost up probably another $100 US. and 
secondly this puts pressure on the cell market. Right now there is no 
competition. I know wifi is still not ubiquitous, and the N800 does not 
replace the cell phone, but it adds some pressure that will keep growing. 
Maybe cell cos will start dropipping prices/adding features to stay 

Again, this is not a flame. I am just expressing the fact that your 3 major 
drawbacks to the device are the 3 most interesting features for me. (well I 
would like more CPU power, but who doesn't).
I do look forward to BT headsets tho! I hate the wire to my head when 
listening to music. It is the last wire ! 


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