On this note, what would be a killer app for the tablet is OTA sync /
download for Rhapsody.  There's no reason why we can't use the N*00 as
a local player - not just for streaming.  Then we don't even need sync
per se as it's all maintained in the cloud, enabling our Internet
Tablets to tap the spring as needed.

the Sansa Connect works in this way with the Yahoo music service...

On 4/18/07, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I guess what I like about iTunes, though, is that I can have all of my music
on my home computer as well as on my portable device (in this case, an
iPod)... The interfaces are similar (and very intuitive) and both retain all
of the information that each other manipulates/stores... From song playhead
location to notes, genre, ratings, etc. -- it's all the same between both

 This is even more important for media such as podcasts... When I listen to
a podcast on my iPod and then plug it into my computer, the playhead
location is transfered during the sync -- so that I can continue listening
on my computer, or vice versa. Then, when I delete the podcast on my
computer, it deletes it from the iPod during the syncing process. So, every
new (or old) podcast remains cohesive on both devices.

 What I'm wondering, is why hasn't something so elegant been created for
portable devices other than the iPod yet... And, what if Nokia could partner
with a company that is putting full-time hours into creating a viable
competitor of iTunes?


 Weblog ~ http://tim.samoff.com
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 Music ~ http://www.adkoc.com

----- Original Message -----
 Subject: Re: Adobe Media Player...
 From:  Levi Bard
 CC: maemo-users@maemo.org
 Date: 04/18/2007 12:09 pm

 > I'm writing, because I wonder if Nokia would ever considering partnering
 > with someone like Adobe in the attempt to make an "iTunes killer" of
 > sorts... It would be so nice to have a media app on IT and computer that
 > synced like iTunes does.

 Syncing doesn't necessarily have to be part of a media player app,
 particularly if it isn't necessary to drive device users to your
 online media store. ;-)

 It should be possible to create a PC app that detects USB connection,
 does some magic to check for a syncable device, and autosyncs. An
 independent wifi- or bluetooth-based sync module on either end should
 be doable as well.

 It doesn't take a nukular scientist to pronounce foilage! --Marge Simpson

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