On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:11, andré <and...@laposte.net> wrote:


> Good analogy :)
> It's like an accellerated version of "pass a message to the person to the
> left in the circle".  By the time it completes the circle and comes back (to
> the right), the original message is unrecognisable.
>> It's much better to help the user formulate a useful bug report,
>> that's easier / more productive for all involved parties.
> True.  Even the most naïve user can produce a good bug report with some
> help, if they are willing to put in some effort.  A thank you email would be
> a nice touch, especially for challenged users.  (I forget if Bugzilla
> already acknowleges bug reports.)
> The critical part is the ability to directly contact the user with the
> problem.  For Bugzilla, you have to log in, so there is an email adresse for
> contact.  And this is generally the case for forums.  If we use a forum for
> submitting bugs, we need the same login so that Bugzilla has a contact email
> available.  This is doable, and would also be more convenient for all
> contributors.
> Of course, there is still the barrier of getting the user to sign up for an
> account ... :)
> Another possibility is to have a Bugzilla assistant on the desktop, where
> the user is asked to describe the problem, give an email adresse, which is
> sent to Bugzilla.
> The approach of OpenOffice (official) could always be used for crashes.
> A bug report page opens as OpenOffice restarts automatically on a crash.
> Relevent info has already been gathered, viewable on a sub-page.
> The user is asked to optionally describe what he was doing, and is invited
> to optionally enter their email adresse if there are furthur questions (and
> informed that it will only be used for the purposes of the bug in question).
> And if the user provides an email adresse, they receive a thank you email
> with the bug tracking number.
> Very easy, and probably provides as much info as the average bugzilla
> report.
> Of course, only useful when a program crashes, where it can be automatically
> sensed that there is a problem.  And it will produce a lot of duplicate bug
> reports, evidently.

You could use a tool like abrt, which can detect duplicate bug
reports, if I am correct.
It'll also make filing bug reports easier...
Maybe you could modify it to give a personal UUID for each computer,
so that the user
is not forced to register?

later, Robert Xu

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