On 14 April 2011 01:46, Frank Griffin <f...@roadrunner.com> wrote:
>> It writes a "search" line to /etc/resolv.conf of the not-fully-qualified
>> hostname rather than the domain names returned by the DHCP server.
>> For instance, if the hostname is "ftglap" and the domain names returned by
>> the server are "x.y.z y.z", you get "search ftglap" rather than  "search
>> x.y.z y.z" as you used to get prior to the last update.
>> Ring a bell with anyone ?  I'm not sure if this is worth a bug report,
>> unless it was a conscious decision that needs to be contested.
> This was for an NM-controlled wireless NIC.  On a desktop host for a wired
> NIC not controlled by NM, there is now no "search" line at all.

A NM issue then?

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