On 10/06/11 18:06, Anssi Hannula wrote:

I didn't test it, but the problems I see now:

1. The MD5SUM isn't checked, IMO it should be.

I was just discussing that on IRC with Ahmad ;)
I now have that working OK

2. On error you exit with "|| exit 1" but leave
    the files in /tmp, polluting it.

OK - will fix

3. You cp files to %_datadir using a wildcard (*), but these
    files may not be removed on uninstallation as you only have filename
    lists for avatars/sounds/langs. While it may work now (I didn't
    test, I hope you did), this will cause unnoticed problems when the
    skype tarball contents change.

The wildcard is used to move the remaining files which are all individually handled by touch and the dir is removed by a %ghost.
I was just saving spec lines.

Yes it does work fine and all files/dirs are removed on uninstall.

The tarball contents can't change or the md5sum would fail :\

4. Provide the script/commandline used to create the filelist files.

Do you mean the avatars.txt etc.
It was all done semi-manually, but I will write a script if necessary.
It did cross my mind, but it was quicker to just copy/paste into txt files.
I was assuming I could maintain it manually.

5. Versionize the filelist files to make sure they are renegerated
    when the package is updated to a new version (avatars-%version.txt)

OK - again I was expecting to maintain it manually.

6. Your usage of /tmp seems unsafe security-wise. What if some user
    has created something under /tmp/skype-%version already?

Hmm.. point taken

    Instead use mktemp to create a temporary directory.

OK ... but:
I can't figure out how to get a temp filename into a %define
If I use
%define mytmp $(mktemp -d -q)
then every reference to the %define generates a new tmp file.
How can I assign the output of a command expansion to a %define so it's evaluated only once on assignment? I can use a variable in %pre but that is invisible in %post as it's in another shell so I'm sorta stuck on that for now :(

7. You never remove the tarball, and the tarball is not %ghost.

Will do - that was temporary for testing.

Also BTW, here is a package of mine for gootleearth from 2006 that uses
a similar system:
No need to make it like that, just pointing it out in case there are
some ideas you'd like to use.

I'll take a look - thanks

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