On 12 July 2011 23:14, Renaud MICHEL <r.h.michel+mag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On mardi 12 juillet 2011 at 22:48, andre999 wrote :
>> I noticed that all packages in "tainted" contain ".tainted." in the name.
>> rsync permits adding the option
>> --exclude '.tainted.'
>> to permit excluding such packages if a mirror wants to.
> You should not do that, because you will end up with a broken repository, as
> the hdlist files will contain references to files which are not present on
> the mirror.
> A repository must be mirrored entirely or not at all.

Yes, but then tainted is a separate repo, mirror admins can simply not
mirror it if they want (that was one of the reasons why it _is_ a
separate repo). So not mirroring tainted wouldn't break anything
(other than that users won't get the full set of repos, but that's up
to each mirror admin to decide, we only offer the option).

> (And I think it is already enough work for the mirror maintainers to have to
> exclude some directory, they surely don't want to maintain per mirror custom
> rules)
> --
> Renaud Michel

Ahmad Samir

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