13.01.2012 03:20, Maarten Vanraes kirjutas:
see https://blog.mozilla.com/blog/2012/01/10/delivering-a-mozilla-firefox-
see https://wiki.mozilla.org/images/9/9d/Esr-release-overview.png

ESR is a 1y extended supported release...

looking at the image we'd be having supported versions for our 9month release
schedule every time... we should totally use this release and not go towards
FF11 for our release.

We've been complaining about the too quick release schedule... this is our

( i think if the FF maintainer wishes, he could also do backports of the
regular releases... )

i'm hoping everyone agrees? including FF maintainer?
I don't agree. But i'm not the maintainer.

Why not?
* Since fx10 all non-binary extensions are compatible by default (so our main problem goes away). * fx10 in 6 months is dead old for users POV. Many unhappy users. Lower popularity for Mageia. (Ubuntu AFAIK is going with fast schedule).
* We will miss too many new and cool features.
* When we release

But as i said.. up to maintainer.


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