On 04/10/2013 05:06 AM, Anne Wilson wrote:
I went through the following steps again:
1) Boot the rescue system
2) drvinst
3) mount your root as /mnt
4) do a "mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
5) do a "chroot /mnt"
6) do a "mount -t proc none /proc"
7) do a "mount -t sysfs none /sys"
8) do "XFdrake"
9) choose the x11 VESA or VGA driver (way down at bottom of list)

except that this time I chose the Other:VESA (generic) driver.  On
closing XFdrake I got

ioctl EVIOCGBIT failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Is this to be expected?  Anyway, on reboot it was exactly the same as

No idea, sorry.

Starting afresh, I followed the steps up to running XFdrake (but not
running XFdrake yet).  I tried 'ifup eth0' but 'Running in chroot.
Ignoring request'.  After "exit" this changed to "Running in chroot.
ignoring request. ./network-functions: line 260: cd:
/var/run/netreport: No such file or directory.

I guess just bring up eth0 before entering the chroot

Incidentally, how do you reboot or shutdown when in chroot - and/or
how do you reverse the chroot?

chroot starts a shell. When you exit from that shell, you're out of the chroot. An "ls /mnt" should indicate where you are: if you see all of your root partition's root directories, you're out of it. Inside it, /mnt will contain whatever it contains on your root partition (if it even exists).

So - I'm back in console, without running any of the steps yet.  Can
you give me the command to add the non-free source and tell me how to
get eth0 working?

It's "urpmi.addmedia', but the exact syntax depends on where your mirror is. Check the man page.

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